Core of Knowledge Slides (191)
Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser-Caution-Sign Eye-Protection-Sign
Carbon Laser
Client Post Carbon Peel Care and Advice
Client Consent Form – Carbon Peel
Carbon Laser Facial Medical History Form
Suggested Settings Tattoo Removal
- Sessions 1-3 = 300mj
- Sessions 4 = 360mj
- Sessions 5+ = 420mj
- Frequency can be adjusted 1-6, according to exoperience and skill, as discussed during training.
Suggested Settings Carbon
All sessions 300-400mj / with frequency according to experience and skill. as discussed during training.
SHR Settings
White Skin:Flash Duration: 3m/s Freq: 3 – 5 Energy:Yellow Skin: Flash Duration: 2m/s Freq: 3 – 5 Energy:Dark Skin: Flash Duration: 1/2 Freq: 3 – 10 EnergySHR Inner settings, 300/100
test the machine, you can use pulse width 3ms, frequency 3hz and energy 5J. Then raise the settings slowly according to actual situation.
All consent forms are given as an example only, medical history, and tattoo removal consent forms are in MS word format, so you can edit them to suit your needs.